April 10, 2010

Case Study

So far my case study has been going alright. In the middle of the semester I decided to change students because I had a student come in with severe behavior concerns. With his BAP we have been able to develop and put in place a plan to hopefully get him through the rest of the school year. I will be interested to see what happens when I am no longer in the classroom and if my CT will continue with the goals and behaviors we have set in place. We have him on a behavior chart where he does earn points and we have to keep track of it everyday. I have several students with behavioral concerns in my class, and I have noticed that these other students would also benefit from having a chart.


  1. I know you have been working hard to develop a plan hat works for your student. You have been doing a great job dealing with the challenges you have been dealt. This is a situation you have never dealt with before and it seems as though you have been handling it well. This will be a wonderful learning experience for you. You have now made plans for two kinds of students and will have more to build on in your future classroom.

    Each time I walk by you and your class I can tell that you are in control of your classroom. They respect you. They look up to you, Miss Mitchell! I know they will be sad to see you go. I'm sure Mr. Mohn will take what you have put in place and do his best to keep it up. Consistency is key and I think he will want to continue to use what is working. If it's not broken you don't have to fix it.

    Keep smiling Liz! You're almost there!

  2. This experience can definitely be a positive one. Although you had to change a few things, you now have more to work with next year. You have experience with two different students and two different behavior plans. I know you had some challenges with this student, but you have made the best of them. You have done a great job with the cards you have been dealt.

    As for Mr. Mohn. If it's not broken, you don't have to fix it. I'm sure he will want to keep you behavior plan in place if it's working. You have worked hard this semester and he will definitely recognize that.

    You have been doing so well Liz. I see you in the halls and I can tell that you have the respct of your students. You have control over your classroom and I know they will miss you.

    Keep it up and keep smiling Lizzy Boo Boo!!

  3. Liz, I have seen the same sort of thing with my case study student as well. Other students would definitely benefit from her chart, but I am trying to keep it individualized for her. My issue right now is that other students notice that she carries around a chart in a folder with her all day and so it becomes a way they can bully her. She is a bully as well, but I do not want this behavior chart to be a way in which others can pick on her? It's difficult to make it so that they do not notice the chart... fifth graders at my school switch classes throughout the day so they are constantly moving... but your behavioral chart seems to be working pretty well. Does this chart just stay at your student's desk or is the student held accountable for getting the chart completed/signed?
