February 7, 2010

Salend Chapter 7

One of the most important points that Salend hit on in Chapter 7 was to employ relationship building strategies. Not only does this build a relationship with your students, but it also promotes positive behavior in the classroom. In the classroom, I have found it very useful to use the strategies Salend discusses to promote postive behavior. The strategy that I often use and appeals to me the most is to use humor in the classroom. Not only does using humor develop postive self esteem, but it also makes your students feel at ease and more comfortable in the classroom.


  1. Liz, I definitely think that humor is a great way to use these strateges in your classroom. Humor, as long as it is used in a positive way, can help your students feel comfortable oin the classroom. It also helps make the teacher a bit more approachable and students aren't as afraid to provide an answer or opinion because of the fear of being wrong. Even a smile or a laugh here or there helps change the mood of the classroom. Ihave noticed Mrs. Jobe does this and I can tell the students respond positively to it.

  2. Liz, I loved reading that you use humor in your classroom! You are so full of positive energy and I am sure that can be emulated by your students-- they always need people to look to for a smile, as well as for relationship building. I think building relationships has been imperative to my student teaching success so far this semester... the other day in PE I was jump roping with a student who said, "Ms. Wetherby, you are being nice right now but not yesterday when you gave me an extra lap at recess! How come you aren't always nice like this?" and then I had to explain to him that when he breaks school rules I have to give him a lap to be consistent. It made me realize how important it was to that student that I was hanging out with him in PE.
