January 31, 2010

Classroom Management

As far as my CT's classroom management is concerned, he is pretty good about it. I am in fourth grade and as far as discipline is concerned he usually follows the school wide falcon policy. It takes a lot for him to move a students falcon, therefore most of the students behave well because when they do have to move a falcon it is a really big deal for them. As I am slowly taking over more and more in the classroom, I find myself following the falcon policy more strictly than my CT.

January 24, 2010

Classroom Management in Inclusive Settings

I think that this article by Soodak does have many valid points about classroom and behavior management directed toward inclusive settings. This past fall I had a student in my fourth grade classroom with a severe behavior disability. This student did have an IEP and was on a behavior plan that was managed by my teacher and his parents. This approach for the student was through positive behavior supports. While the supports were very positive, I can not say that they particulary worked for the student. By the third month of school, the student had transferred to a school that was specifically tailored towards students with behavioral problems.

As teachers it is important that we have positive behavioral supports for our students. These supports must be consistent "with the goals of inclusive education." I do believe that teachers need to provide supports and do what is in the best interest of the children in their classroom.