Flint Chapter 12 discussed how to work with struggling readers and writers in the classroom. Many of the practices discussed in the reading are practices that I have seen or am seeing now. I do strongly believe that motivation and engagement have a significant role for struggling readers. It is important to make sure that all readers are engaged in the text that they are reading. This comes back to having a classroom that offers a wide variety of choices and relies on the teacher knowing the interests of his/her students.
There were a couple of instructional practices discussed in the chapter that I really liked. I like the idea of scheduling easy reading time. It is a great idea to have a short block in the day where a group of mixed reading levels can come together and have reading time where everyone can read the text. This is definitely a great practice to help struggling and non-struggling readers can gain confidence and fluency in their reading. In my classroom, I see read alouds done everyday. The text is usually above the what readers can read on their own and it is a great way for students to practice comprehension.
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